7 Top Tips For Creating A Thriving Workplace Environment

Workplace culture is instrumental to a successful business, so why not commit to fostering a culture of excellence at your workplace? 

Last month, we began looking at what good workplace culture looks like and why it matters – if you missed that article, you can read it here.  

This month, we are exploring practical strategies for how you can foster a thriving work environment at your workplace.  

We like to think of workplace culture as your organisation’s signature dish—you need to add the right mix of ingredients, conduct ongoing taste tests, and add a little heat to bring out the best flavours! 

So, here are our top tips for crafting a workplace environment that’s as satisfying as a perfectly seasoned meal! 

7 Top Tips For Creating A Thriving Workplace Culture 

1. Define Your Culture Clearly 

If you don’t take the time to define your workplace culture, it will just go right ahead and define itself. Unfortunately, if that happens, it might not define itself in the way you want!  

Your culture should align with your company’s mission, vision, and values. That way, it will represent your business effectively while also creating a consistent and inspiring workplace experience for your team members.  

One of the easiest ways to clearly define your culture is to develop a culture statement or manifesto that outlines your company’s core values and mission. Once the statement is established (hopefully with team input!), make sure it’s communicated in everything you do. There are plenty of opportunities to do this – through team meetings, internal newsletters, reward and recognition, right through to visual reminders around the workplace.  

Encourage your leaders to reinforce these values through their behaviours and decision-making, that way there is a flow-down effect from the top of your organisation to the team members below. 

2. Leadership Sets the Tone 

Just like a head chef in a bustling kitchen, leaders set the tone for a workplace environment. Let’s just get it out there, you don’t want to emulate a Gordon Ramsey-style, Hell’s Kitchen situation!  

Rather, you want a positive environment that everyone enjoys working in. Remind your leaders that their behaviours, decisions, and communication style influence every aspect of the business. If they are able to model behaviours that align with your company values, it fosters trust in the business and creates a respectful work environment, all key elements for a strong culture. 

The way to do this is to equip your leaders with the skills they need to lead with confidence. Leadership development programs are always a great investment for any organisation. They empower your key people with strategies to lead effectively. 

That empowerment can filter throughout your whole workplace by having your leaders Role model ‘what good looks like’.  Not only does this foster a good culture, but it also helps to reinforce a strong and trusted leadership presence. Build on that by having your leaders engage in regular one-on-one check-ins with their teams ideally quarterly or monthly to provide guidance, support, and feedback. 

3. Focus On Employee Wellbeing 

A supportive culture isn’t just nice to have—it’s essential! So, employee wellbeing should be a big priority for any business. Employees thrive in environments that prioritise mental health, reduce stress, and encourage work-life balance.  

When your team feel valued and supported, they’re more engaged, motivated, and productive. 

There are plenty of ways you can put the focus on team wellbeing. Some of the most popular methods are to offer a level of flexibility in your team’s work arrangements, utilise wellness programmes such as mindfulness sessions or fitness challenges, and create designated spaces for relaxation and fun in the office. Don’t forget to encourage regular breaks and ensure workloads are manageable. 

4. The Power Of Diversity And Inclusion 

A truly dynamic and resilient workplace environment embraces diversity and inclusion. Different perspectives spark innovation, enhance problem-solving, and strengthen team collaboration. When employees feel respected and valued for who they are, they bring their best selves to work. 

Diversity comes in many forms – it might be generational where you can harness experience and youth, it might be gender, where you can gain different mindsets and perspectives, or it could be cultural where you benefit from multiple influences and backgrounds. Diversity can be a goldmine for your business development and innovation, but only if inclusion is celebrated.  

Foster inclusivity by encouraging open communication channels, building an environment where everyone feels welcome, valued and heard, celebrating various cultural events where appropriate, and ensuring your recruitment practices encourage diverse talent.  

5. Recruitment & Retention 

High performers don’t just want to work for a paycheck. They want to work for a business and a workplace culture they believe in. A strong culture can help you attract top talent, reduce staff turnover, and create a true sense of belonging for your team members. People who feel connected to their workplace culture are more likely to stay and contribute meaningfully to the company’s success. 

You can start displaying your culture from the very first interaction people have with your business. Highlight it during the recruitment process by providing a clear insight into your values, mission and team dynamics. But don’t just stop there – follow it up with an engaging onboarding experience that reinforces company values from day one. 

6. Encourage Feedback and Collaboration 

Great cultures are built on open communication. Your people need to feel heard, valued, and empowered to contribute ideas – some of the best ideas come from those on the ground! Creating a workplace where feedback flows freely is paramount. This communication should flow through all levels of the business so that even the most junior employees feel heard.  

By involving each and every member of your team in open conversations, you will foster trust and encourage innovation. 

Communication is a vast area of business. So, you want to make sure you cover all your bases. Some ways to do this would be to set up regular opportunities for feedback via meetings and catch-ups, anonymous employee engagement surveys, open-door policies, or even team brainstorming sessions.  

You may even find it useful to draw on the power of technology and use collaboration tools like Slack, Trello, or Miro to encourage open communication and project transparency. 

7. Commit To Continuous Improvement 

Workplace culture isn’t a one-and-done project—it’s an ongoing journey. That’s why you need to commit to continuous tweaks and improvements. You can do this by regularly assessing, gathering feedback, and making adjustments to keep your culture strong and relevant. As your business evolves, your culture should too! 

Conduct culture pulse checks by gathering insights from team members at different levels of your business to discover what’s working and what needs improvement. You can also use team meetings and discussions to ensure ongoing alignment with your company values and goals. 

Invest In Your Workplace Environment 

Investing in workplace culture is like perfecting a recipe—it takes time, effort, and the right ingredients. The good news? You don’t have to do it alone!  

At Spice, we’re passionate about helping businesses create thriving workplace cultures with our Acentia-accredited workshops. These workshops are designed to give your workplace culture the perfect balance of personality and substance. Whether you need to refine your company’s vision, strengthen leadership skills, build high-performing teams, or enhance internal communication, we’ve got a workshop for you!  

The interactive sessions provide practical strategies, real-world insights, and actionable steps to create a workplace culture that’s engaging, inclusive, and resilient. Think of them as the secret ingredient to making your business thrive!  

Ready to create the ideal workplace environment? Give us a call today, and let’s start crafting the perfect blend for your business! 

How To Create Inclusion With Cultural Diversity In The Workplace

The world is an amazing place. Packed full of rich cultures, there are people from every corner of the world who have something unique and beautiful to offer. 

Which is why celebrating the richness of the world’s cultures is the focus of World Cultural Diversity Day. Held every year on 21 May, its purpose is to generate social cohesion and promote intercultural dialogue to help achieve peace and sustainable development.  

So, with this important day looming, we thought it was the perfect opportunity to explore the importance of embracing cultural diversity in the workplace. 

Let’s look at what workplace cultural diversity is, why it is beneficial for your business and how you can create an inclusive workplace culture for all. 

How To Create Inclusion With Cultural Diversity In The Workplace 

Recognising Cultural Diversity In The Workplace 

New Zealand is an incredibly diverse place. We have a large range of cultures, ethnicities and religions living in our beautiful country. Recognising this cultural diversity in the workplace is not only essential, but it can also be very beneficial! 

Employees from different cultural backgrounds work alongside each other every day. So, it’s imperative to recognise the needs and values of the different cultures, ethnicities and nationalities amongst your team.  

Successful businesses are increasingly those that recognise the importance of promoting cultural diversity in the workplace and who take deliberate steps to create inclusive environments, allowing team members of all backgrounds to thrive. 

What Embracing Diversity Can Do For Business 

There are many reasons to embrace cultural diversity in your workplace. Firstly, as we’ve already mentioned, we live in a diverse society, so any number of cultures can be represented in a workplace. Recognising and embracing that allows people to be comfortable in their workplace and allows them to be at their best every day. 

When people are comfortable, they thrive. Being part of a diverse and inclusive environment creates increased creativity and innovation, improved problem-solving abilities, and a better understanding of different perspectives and ideas. Creating a welcoming workplace culture that values diversity promotes a place of respect for all team members. 

Aside from the team culture aspect, it is important to note that many younger employees (who make up a growing proportion of workers) hesitate to join organisations with poor ethics and diversity. So, it could actually be detrimental to your business to ignore the diversity that no doubt exists in your workplace! 

The Benefits Of Workplace Cultural Diversity 

Cultural diversity can bring many benefits for both employers and employees. Some of the key benefits are: 

  • Better understanding: Working with people from different cultural backgrounds brings the opportunity to learn from each other and gain a better understanding of different customs, beliefs, and values. This can lead to an overall greater cultural awareness and more sensitivity, which can improve communication and collaboration. 
  • Improved customer service: Having employees who understand and can relate to different cultural groups can be a real advantage in terms of customer service. Customers will feel more comfortable and valued when they encounter employees who share their cultural background or are sensitive to different cultural needs. 
  • Greater innovation: A diverse workplace brings together people with different backgrounds, skills, experiences, and perspectives. This can lead to greater creativity and innovation as employees are consistently exposed to new ideas and ways of thinking. 
  • Improved problem solving: As well as innovation, diverse teams are often better equipped to solve complex problems. That is because they bring different perspectives and approaches to the table. This can result in more effective problem-solving and decision-making company-wide, giving your business a competitive advantage. 
  • Employee retention: When employees feel valued and respected for their unique contributions and perspectives, they are more likely to be engaged and committed to their work. This can lead to higher levels of job satisfaction and lower turnover rates
  • Increased profits: Being known as a culturally diverse company earns you a great reputation, both as an employer and as a company of choice for customers. People who align with your company values will choose to shop with you, potentially leading to increased profits. 

How To Embrace Cultural Diversity In The Workplace 

Creating a harmonious, culturally diverse workplace doesn’t have to be hard. Here are some of our best tips to make it happen: 

Company Values 

Consider ways that you can tie your organisation’s core values to your employee’s personal principles. This will give them a strong connection with your business. Not only does this help to create cultural diversity in the workplace, but it can also increase engagement within your team and improve staff retention. 

Conscious Recruitment 

When you recruit consciously, you are aligning your hiring process with your organisation’s mission and long-term goals. It involves looking at each candidate in depth, not only to assess their skills, but also how they would fit into your organisation as a whole and whether they believe in your mission and align with your values.  

The great thing about recruiting in this way is that you can share your values around cultural diversity to avoid bias when hiring. 

Celebrate Different Cultures 

We can all learn a lot from each other whether it be skills, knowledge or cultural experience. By celebrating different cultures in your workplace, you can integrate and recognise other cultural values and points of view for greater understanding and communication. 

Encourage inclusion by hosting shared cultural lunches and recognising specific festivals or other significant dates. Not only are you promoting learning and acceptance, but you can all have a great time while doing it! 

Adopt Flexibility 

You may find that people from different cultures have different needs in the workplace. So, adopting flexibility will allow you to cater for everyone. Get to know your team members and ask them what their individual needs are. Then, come up with a way that each employee can maximise their opportunities while still adhering to their culture. Remember, one size does not have to fit all! 

Encourage Communication 

We may not all speak the same native language, but we can all still achieve excellent levels of communication. Ensure you have a workplace that creates spaces for open and honest conversations. Address conflict as soon as it arises and encourage awareness and respect amongst your team. 

Consider Cross-Cultural Awareness 

You may even choose to undertake a cross-cultural awareness programme within your organisation. This is a form of training that helps all your team understand and respect the cultural diversity that exists within their workplace. It helps address language barriers, and specific cultural communication styles while promoting being open to the differences in each culture without stereotyping or bias.  

Embracing Cultural Diversity 

Diversity is part of what makes the world a fascinating place and promoting inclusion in your workplace can have many benefits for employers and employees. 

So, if you are ready to embrace diversity in your workplace, we are ready to help you do it. Chat to the Spice Gals today about how to create an environment of inclusion. 

How To Perfect The Hybrid Working Experience

There aren’t too many good things that came out of the pandemic. But, there is one thing in particular that was positive – and that is an evolution of thinking about the way we work.

By being forced to stay in our homes throughout the lockdown period, we proved that we didn’t necessarily have to be in an office space to work effectively.

And as the restrictions eased, hybrid working became a thing.

Now, more than a year on from lockdown, people are still embracing hybrid working to achieve better balance and to better utilise company resources.

With a new way of working on the table, you have probably had to examine your traditional processes. Hybrid working is here to stay, so it’s time to perfect the experience for your team and your organisation. Here’s how you can do it.

A New Way Of Working

What is hybrid working? Well, you’re probably already doing it with your teams without using the fancy term!

Hybrid working is a flexible working arrangement where your staff work some of the time in a traditional office space and some of the time at a remote location, usually their home. The degree of flexibility should be based on the needs of the organisation and the individual workers.

It is this varying level of flexibility that makes hybrid working so amazing … and also quite hard to manage – especially if everyone is operating on different hours and days!

That’s why it is vital that you master and perfect the hybrid working experience so that it operates well for your business and for your employees. Here’s the steps to follow to do that:

Step 1: Review Current Arrangements

If you are like most New Zealand businesses, you probably threw together some basic hybrid working parameters back in 2020 and have been weathering the storm ever since. Chances are, those hastily set up working arrangements could do with some updating by now.

The first step is to review what you already have in place and assess how it has been functioning. Is it serving your business well and are your employees benefitting from the flexibility? What’s working really well and what could do with some refining?

Have a chat with key management and some of the employees who are using the flexibility of hybrid working to get their input. That way, you’ll have information from both sides of the working arrangement – business and individuals.

Step 2: Make A Plan

Now that you have your feedback, it’s time to create some clear guidelines about how hybrid working will function going forward. While the specifics might be slightly different for the individual depending on their role and level of responsibility, having some guidelines lets everyone know what the expectations are.

Remember that you want to create an arrangement that works for both the business and your employees. You want your employees to still feel like they have autonomy over their workload, but at the same time, working hours need to be productive and produce the right results for the business.

Step 3: Document It All

Once you have created your plan, it is important to document the hybrid working parameters so that they are widely understood and can be enforced.

Things that should be discussed and documented are start and finish times/working hours, the locations used for working (and if team members have all the resources they need at each location), and expectations around how working from home should be – dress standards for meetings, digital security etc.

Other Considerations

Another thing you might want to offer your team is ‘Flexications’. Working from home is one thing, but could your team work from a different country? A Flexication is the opportunity to work from anywhere in the world, mixing holidaying with work. It allows location-independent work conditions so that your employees can work from literally anywhere, completing their work obligations while adventuring in their downtime.

In terms of remote working, a Flexication doesn’t have to be much different to working from home from a business perspective. You just need to be clear on employee expectations like time zones and how this will be managed, ensure they are covered by Health and Safety procedures, that reliable WiFi and server access is available, and that privacy policies are met.

Why Go To The Trouble?

Setting up hybrid working parameters may feel like a lot of work. And you might wonder if it is worth all the trouble. We can assure you, it is if you do it right.

Offering hybrid working can help your staff to feel valued and respected. This often means that they are more engaged in their work and ultimately, more productive. It also helps you to be recognised as an employer of choice and encourages great staff retention. All of these things help to create great results for your business.

Perfecting Hybrid Working

To harness all of the positive aspects of hybrid working, you need to make sure you address the potential negative aspects. With people in the office at different times throughout the week, it can have a negative impact on company culture and how your team interact with each other.

It’s important to keep your employees engaged despite the distance. You can do this by planning deliberate social connections such as regular virtual or on-site team meetings and regular one-to-one check ins. Encourage collaboration with cloud based communication and document sharing tools to actively keep teams connected.

Make mental health a priority as it is easy to feel isolated when you are predominantly working remotely.

Also, ensure the current workspace is an enticing place to return to so that your staff actually want to be in the office as opposed to the comfort of their own homes.

Hybrid Help Is Here

Here at Spice HR HQ, we embrace hybrid working for our team. So, we’ve personally been through the process of setting hybrid working parameters that suit everyone, but still generate great company results.

So, if it’s time to review your current hybrid working arrangements, you can count on the Spice Gals to help you create parameters that are good for your business as well as your team.

Reach out to us today to chat about perfecting hybrid working at your place.

It’s All About Job Descriptions

Let’s talk about Job Descriptions…

They are vital documents within your business, not just for your team members.

They are obviously key for employees as they detail the tasks involved within a job and help to set expectations about what is involved with a role.

But they are equally important for employers.

Integral to the recruitment and onboarding process, these documents perform an essential settling role. And by keeping your job descriptions regularly updated, you can maximise the talent in your team and even boost employee engagement.

Want to find out how to do all of that with one little document? Then, keep reading to discover the power of a great JD.

The Importance of Good Job Descriptions

A good job description is more than simply a list of tasks for an employee to perform. It is an opportunity to create a valuable resource that will further the success of your business.

We know, it sounds like a lot of responsibility for one document. But we promise you, a JD is up to the task if crafted correctly!

Job Descriptions should have plenty of thought put into them to ensure they are accurate and that they align with your company values.  By compiling all the information about the role, your expectations and the skills required, into one place, you have a centralised resource that your employees can engage with and follow.

Having this resource on hand can mitigate risk as your employees will always know what is expected of them. This, in turn, can boost productivity and support greater employee accountability. It’s a win for everyone!

Not Just for Recruitment

A job description is obviously a key resource when recruiting. It helps a potential team member gauge whether the position is a good fit for them and produces quality candidate options for employers to choose from.

But, while a job description is a great resource for attracting the right talent to your business, it is so much more than that too.

It can also form an integral part of your onboarding process. By having this resource on hand, your new team member can become familiar with and engaged with their new role quickly as they know exactly what is expected of them.

It also gives you, as the employer, an opportunity to review the job role through a fresh set of eyes to ensure you are maximising the skills of your people and that the role remains effective within your business structure. 

3 Key Ways A JD Can Boost Business

Extended DISC ® Recruitment

When recruiting for a role, you don’t only hunt for the right skills and experience. You also want to ensure the candidate that you choose is the right fit for your team, personality wise.

A great way of doing that is by using Extended DISC®profiling. What is it? Well, Extended DISC®profiling begins with a short personality assessment that determines an individual’s personality type. Each person will show a different dominant trait – dominance, influence, steadiness, or conscientiousness. Obviously, some of these traits are better suited for certain roles than others.

You can use the information gathered from the Extended DISC®profile to see how suited a person will be to the particular role you are recruiting for. You can make the profiling process more powerful by linking the job description, ensuring you get the right fit for your team and the role. This is something our Spicey team specialises in, so reach out to us for help with this process.

Updating and engaging

Job descriptions only remain effective if they are updated regularly. They should be updated annually to capture any changes that have occurred in the last year. This is a process that should be done in consultation with your employees to ensure the details of the actual role (not what you think the role might be) are captured accurately.

By involving your team in this process, you are putting in the groundwork to retain good people and keep them engaged with your business. When your employees are involved in decisions like job design, they often feel more committed to the role and its success. It can also assist in shaping the position to their personal strengths.

Expectations and performance

It is hard to excel at something if you aren’t sure what is expected of you. Accurate job descriptions fix this problem as they help people understand exactly what your expectations are surrounding their role. This allows them to take greater accountability. When people know the specific demands of their role, they are also able to be more productive.

On the flipside, if your employees are not motivated and not meeting expectations, a detailed job description can help you to manage their performance. It can form the basis of the documentation for performance reviews, open conversations and, if needed, resulting disciplinary actions.

So, how are the job descriptions looking in your business? Are they detailed and effective? Are they relevant? Are you combining them with Extended DISC®profiling to find the most ideal candidates?

If you are feeling a bit sheepish about the answers to some of these questions, then reach out to our Spicey team now. We are experts on all things job descriptions and can help you get yours nailed today.

Spread The Christmas Cheer With An Office Christmas Party

Spread The Christmas Cheer With An Office Christmas Party

Spread The Christmas Cheer With An Office Christmas Party

The good old office Christmas party has somehow earned a bad reputation over the years. They are often portrayed as painfully awkward events that people only attend for the promise of free food and drinks.

In reality, the workplace Christmas shindig is a priceless opportunity for businesses.

When done right, an end of year party can play a vital role in building team spirit and developing your workplace culture. And let’s face it, we all could use a little more fun and frivolity after the year we have had!

Read on to find out why it’s more important than ever to spread the Christmas cheer with an office party this year.

Is An Office Christmas Party Really That Important?

The answer to that question is yes, yes, a thousand times, yes!

But only when it’s done well! Most of your employees devote a third of their lives each year to helping your business succeed. While you should be acknowledging, thanking, and celebrating them year-round, a Christmas party in their honour is the icing on the cake.

It’s a powerful way to publicly recognise their hard work over the past 12 months and show how much you value them.

Teams that play well together tend to work well together. What better time and place to relax and bond as a team than the office Christmas party? Events like these bring everyone from all management levels and departments together, encouraging positive communication and camaraderie that can flow through into the next year.

Your Christmas festivities also reflect your workplace culture. Which company do you think becomes a coveted employer of choice – one that offers a fun-filled Christmas bash showcasing teamwork, support, and positivity, or one that skips the party and sends a formal thank you email from management on the last day of the year?

Christmas Parties In The Time Of COVID

You certainly don’t need to be reminded of the craziness that was (and still is!) 2020. Businesses have been heavily impacted. Many workplaces were transformed as people worked remotely, and the budgets took quite the knock.

Understandably, you might be wondering if it’s appropriate to celebrate 2020 at all or just write it off and move on.

Truthfully, your office Christmas party is more important than ever this year. Sure, you may have to do things a little differently due to restrictions, social distancing, and budget issues, but if 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that we can be really adaptable when we need to!

Reconnecting As A Team

More than likely, your team have become disconnected via remote work and social distancing this year. The Christmas party is a way to bring them back together, rebuild those bonds, and let off some steam after a gruelling 12 months.

Remember, it doesn’t have to be an extravagant, high-budget affair if times are tough. You can create a fantastic environment on a smaller budget by adding personal touches and working within your company culture. If you are struggling for ideas, ask your staff what they would like to do, and see if they have any cost-saving suggestions to help make it happen.

Many people are sliding into the end of the year feeling exhausted, anxious, and unsure about the future. Help your team relax, smile, and go out on a high note by creating Christmas cheer that will last well into the New Year.

Staff morale probably took a huge knock in 2020. You might be feeling like your team are a little more disconnected than they used to be.

This is something that you can work towards improving in 2021. A positive team environment can mean all sorts of good things for your business. So, if you want to make sure 2021 starts on the right foot, get in touch with us here at Spice HR.

We have some effective tactics that you can implement to pull your team together and get ready for a great 2021 ahead. Reach out to us today for a chat about what that could look like in your business.

Managing A Workforce of Different Generations

different generations

Managing A Workforce of Different Generations

Variety is the spice of life, right?  Well, today’s workforce is certainly full of variety!  It is a diverse makeup full of different generations. You have Baby Boomers, Gen X, Gen Z, Millennials (also known as Gen Y), and maybe a few from the “silent generation.”

So, what does that all mean when it comes to a combined workforce?

People from each generation tend to have different values and expectations in the workplace, so it’s essential to customise your management style and benefits to meet each one.

Here’s an overview of how to approach a multi-generational workforce.

Talkin’ ’bout My Generation

We’re not big fans of labels, but just so we’re on the same page, let’s clarify the generations you might see in your organisation.

  • The Silent Generation (aka Traditionalists) – born between the late 1920s and 1945

This generation was formed well before the computer age hit. However, many are still very capable of using digital tools, but may prefer personal interactions. They value fair pay, recognition and the chance to share their expertise.

  • Baby Boomers – 1946 – 1964

The Boomers are a very goal-focused generation and hold a reputation for working hard. They value job security and a more structured environment.

  • Generation X – 1965 – 1979

A generation that is completely up to date with tech, but are not shy about face-to-face communication. They value autonomy and a good work/life balance.

  • Generation Y (Millennials) – 1980 – 1996

The consummate internet babies who are all over every technological gadget to hit the shelves. They value skills development and a deeper purpose.

  • Generation Z – Born in 1997 or later

Known as the tech native, social media generation, they have lived in a technology based world since their birth. They value flexibility and social responsibility.

So, now that we know about the different generations, what does this mean for your workforce and management styles?

Use Reverse Mentoring

Cross-generational mentoring is a great way to quickly stamp out any age biases and maximise various experience levels in your team. Both young and old can learn a lot from each other! Avoid always placing similar age groups together.

Instead, pair up people from different generations and get the knowledge flowing both ways. You will be amazed by the diverse solutions that appear when combining the thinking of multiple generations. 

Get Everyone Engaged

While every generation is known by different characteristics, they are not always out of sync in every instance. What every generation has in common is their need to feel involved in their work. Ensure you find a way to motivate all employees (outside of the pay cheque) by finding common ground for them to buy into. 

Work on Your Flexibility

No, we are not talking about yoga – though if that fits your workplace, it’s not a bad idea to bring people together!

You shouldn’t expect every team member to be satisfied with the same hours of work, the same work environment, or the same tasks. Experiment with the different strengths to find the ideal balance for your organisation.

Recognition and Benefits

Not everyone wants ten-year job security and a retirement plan, although some might. Gen Zers might be looking for support with further training or help to pay back student loans, while Millennials could prefer daycare services or parental leave.

Again, each individual is different: the point is to offer a range of benefits and perks to suit different lifestyles and needs. 

Avoid Stereotypes!

Now that we’ve gone and put everyone in their box, it’s time to say – don’t judge people by the boxes you put them in! It goes without saying that every individual is different. Regardless of their age and background, they have essential skills, needs, goals, and dreams that may be vastly different from their peers.

However, it can also be useful and enlightening to acknowledge and learn from age-based differences in the workplace.

Understanding Your Team Dynamic

Getting to know each employee individually is your most important task as an effective leader. So use your newfound knowledge of generations alongside your insight into each employee, and you will be on the right track.

Another way to gain a greater understanding of your workforce is to use DISC Profiling. This is a psychometric assessment tool that can help with the personal growth, team building and leadership potential of your employees.

Here at Spice HR, we are certified practitioners of the Extended DISC Profiling system and can help you gain greater insight into the different personalities present in your team. Get in touch with us today to find out more about how this useful tool can help your business.