What Do New Year Resolutions Look Like This Year?

What Do New Year Resolutions Look Like This Year?

At times it felt like 2020 was never ending. Finally, the time has come to farewell that crazy year. But just because the calendar has flipped to a new number, that doesn’t mean everything is going to magically return to the old normal! For many people, life and work look very different from this time last year. So how should we approach this year? What new year resolutions should we make, if any, and how do you approach leadership when things are still so changeable?

Don’t fret; Spice HR have your back and are here to help guide you into the months ahead. So let’s dive in boots and all.

Grand New Year Resolutions

For many people, the New Year becomes the opportunity to assess their lives and set new goals. Perhaps they will think about a new job, going for a promotion, or reassessing their current career path.

This may still be high on some of your employees’ list of resolutions, but other factors may have more sway than in previous years. With so many working remotely, changing their working habits, or experiencing higher amounts of stress than usual, employees may be prioritising things like work-life balance, flexible work hours, health and wellness.

For organisations, now is a great time to reflect on what worked well and what didn’t. It’s a great time to revisit goals and values and decide what should be carried through and what should be laid to rest in 2020.

Why not set a few New Year’s Resolutions for your team? These resolutions can help shape your HR priorities for the coming year and provide focus to the organisation. Think about things like:

  • Ensuring diversity and inclusion in the workplace
  • Attracting and retaining valued employees
  • Encouraging and supporting health and wellness
  • Supporting learning and development
  • Changing your approach to performance management

Communicating Missions, Vision and Values in Uncertain Times

Okay, we know a lot has changed in the space of a year, but some things remain the same. Effective communication is still a top priority, regardless of whether times are calm or rocky. And communicating well comes back to the basics of trust, transparency, candour and empathy.

Leaders have had a crash course in crisis communication this past year and will need to continue honing and developing those skills for the months ahead.

One way to unify people in uncertain times is to reconnect them with the organisation’s missions, visions and values. Hard times can create chaos in teams, but with the right leadership, they can also build stronger team bonds and enhance culture.

Whilst we need to acknowledge that there may well be more unknowns to come, reminding employees of the bigger picture is key. If your organisation is connected to a strong mission and purpose, this is reflected in resilient, hopeful individuals who are capable of looking past the short-term confusion and focusing on the long term mission as a whole.

Motivate Your Team for a Positive New Year

As at any time of year, managers must lead by example. Positivity is vital, but try and strike a balance – over the top rose-tinted glasses aren’t called for: be upbeat but keep it real.

Leaders that project confidence and resilience can help their teams navigate uncertainty. Draw on what you and your team learned last year. Take time to celebrate the wins, acknowledge the challenges, and be transparent about the strategy for this year.

Get Ahead of the Game

If you spent most of 2020 feeling like you were on the back foot, you are not alone. But 2021 doesn’t have to be quite so confronting! With psychometric testing using extended DISC, you can get ahead of the game and start 2021 with a positive communication plan, along with a leadership and development pathway for every employee in your team.

This system helps you manage the different personality types in your team, effectively improving self-awareness, communication and teamwork.

If this sounds like a great way to kick off the New Year, contact us at Spice HR to find out more!

Managing Performance and Expectations In Your Team

Are you confident that your employees understand the performance expectations of their current roles? Is your feedback timely and relevant? Are you helping your team stay engaged and motivated?

That is a lot of questions to answer!

But, in the current fast-changing landscape of business, they are important questions to consider.

There is a lot of uncertainty in the world right now. People are developing a different set of needs based on recent events and the way the world is behaving.

With many businesses evolving and adapting thanks to COVID-19, it is the ideal time to review the way you communicate expectations and manage performance with your employees.

Let’s do a quick check-in to see if everyone is on the same page.

The Importance of Managing Expectations

Imagine you are training to be a pro athlete – let’s say a high jumper for the sake of this example.

At the beginning of your training, your coach tells you to practice jumping to be ready to qualify for nationals in six months. They hand you some running shoes, point you in the direction of the track, book you in for a review in five and a half months, and leave you to it.

What are your chances of successfully qualifying without any other assistance?

Pretty slim, right? You don’t know the height to aim for to qualify, get no feedback on your technique to improve, and have very little motivation or accountability to get you even close.

No coach worth their money would train someone without laying out expectations, giving continual feedback, and reviewing performance. But unfortunately, many employers and managers do just that to their employees.

We would go so far as to say that without clear expectations for your team members, it’s impossible to hold people accountable. And you can forget about managing performance altogether! Honestly, how can you expect people to meet your expectations if you don’t clarify what you expect of them!?

Setting Clear Expectations

Much like managing performance, setting expectations should be an ongoing conversation rather than an infrequent event. People develop their skills, clients adjust their needs, and even routine jobs and tasks can change, particularly as businesses adjust to life post-lockdown.

Ensure you stay up to date and redefine expectations as necessary. Don’t just assume that everyone is on the same page about any changes that have been made. It’s time to hone those communication skills and ensure everyone knows exactly what needs to be accomplished (and by whom and when!).

Where possible, capture the expectations as part of a written performance development plan, as key performance indicators or milestones.

Development vs Reviews

If someone is falling short of your expectations, try asking yourself if those expectations are clear. Of course they are to you, but are they crystal clear to your employee? As in the high-jumper example, it’s hard to be motivated if you don’t really understand what you should be doing or why.

Once the expectations are laid out clearly, your employees are far more likely to be engaged and motivated.

Keep your team on track with effective performance management that is relevant, timely, positive, and forward-focused. To get you into the right mindset, it can be helpful to reframe “performance reviews” as “development reviews.”

This approach focuses on helping employees develop their skills and grow with the business, rather than focusing too heavily on the things that went wrong.

If you have regular catch-ups designed to lead your people and your business forward with a growth mindset, they will feel as if they are on a journey with you, and life will be that much easier for everyone!

The word ‘uncertain’ keeps cropping up in conversation lately. And rightly so, these are uncertain times in many regards. Which is why managing performance and setting expectations is so important for your team.

If you are unsure how to tackle that in the current circumstances, then get in touch with us here at Spice HR. Together, we can help you navigate through the uncertainty. Drop us a line today!